Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-Raheem-- In the name of Allah Most gracious, most merciful...

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatallah Wa Barakatu I'm a 100% Palestinian Muslim born and raised in the United States. My blog represents my religion, my thoughts and opinions, my talents, and some of my life. This blog will mainly be for dawah purposes Bi'thnillahi wa ta'ala. My thoughts aren't to offend anyone, but they might, Allahu A'lem, they are issues that are real with logical points. Check it out, comment, and enjoy. Rant if you need to. May Allah increase our knowledge, patience, wisdom and iman ameen. Fi aman Allah walaikum asalaam wa rahmatallah wa barakatu

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pics of the Day

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatallah Wa Barakatu

I thought these pics were just toooo cute!!

If Looks Could Kill

[I call this 7asad fil 3ayn :p]

Don't Complain About Your Job

[Haha, maskeen!]

Sixth Sense..The Sequel

[LOL! Classic line! I love that lil' kid]

Hope You Enjoyed!

fi aman Allah



O.Dizzle said...

Assalamu alaikum,

looool funny pics sis!!!

thanks for sharing them. love ya!

Twilight said...

Awww that baby one is shoo cute!

Farnnay said...

salam, the first pic is too cute. haha.

Mohamed Karolia said...

Cool pics:)


Anonymous said...

Ukhti fi adeen wa fi albalad, this is my first visit to your blog, I felt home as i was greated with the recitation of Quran ( a favorite reciter as well). Nice blog.
Best regards,

*cHaRisMa* said...

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatallah wa baraktu,

Barak Allahu feekum for visiting!

Dali- Love ya too!! :p and no probz!

Imanu- haha i kno, isn't it!

K-man- thnx

Abdullah- Barak allahu feek ekhi, sweet words, really touching. Inshallah you'll continue to visit...

and whatever improvements you guys think i should include, do tell inshallah

fi aman allah

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE KID TOO! Hahahahah awesome version... Hayle Joel Osment was his name or something... He's the voice to Sora figure in the Playstation 2 game Kingdom Hearts! I love that game. *blushes*