Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-Raheem-- In the name of Allah Most gracious, most merciful...

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatallah Wa Barakatu I'm a 100% Palestinian Muslim born and raised in the United States. My blog represents my religion, my thoughts and opinions, my talents, and some of my life. This blog will mainly be for dawah purposes Bi'thnillahi wa ta'ala. My thoughts aren't to offend anyone, but they might, Allahu A'lem, they are issues that are real with logical points. Check it out, comment, and enjoy. Rant if you need to. May Allah increase our knowledge, patience, wisdom and iman ameen. Fi aman Allah walaikum asalaam wa rahmatallah wa barakatu

Monday, November 13, 2006

Thoughts of the Day

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatallah wa Barakatu

Quote of the Day:
Nothing is impossible to do when you do it for the sake of

Rashid Al-Efasy...Seriously, best voice ever! mashallah mashallah :'(

[Only my salaah (prayers) will I never leave; it's my life, my world is in it.]

A moment for those ill in this world:
May Allah grant you all shifaa when you think of Him, pray to Him, or hold Him upon the tips of your tongues; May He ease your suffering and pain; May you never have to feel sorry for yourself that you forget about your Lord and those that are still more in a critical condition than you; May your jihad be accepted ameen.

For those unfortunate: May Allah grant you all wealth: wealth in wisdom, wealth in knowledge, wealth in piety, and wealth in iman; then surely you can never leave this world as empty souls for the hereafter. May you be granted patience and ease. May the fathers be able to feed their children with their own hands and the mothers care for their own children with their own hands and may children never have to see their parents suffering for them. May your Jihad be accepted ameen.

For the hafidheen: May the word of Allah always be upon your tongue. May you strive to teach those what you have learned. May you do it for the sake of Allah and not for arrogance. May Allah grant you patience and ease during tafseer.

For the Muslimeen: May we all be guided upon siratul mustaqeem never looking upon the other x paths. May Allah cleanse our hearts from grudges, jealousy, and hate that we hold against each other. May we keep Allah subhana wa ta'ala in our hearts always; May we never be the followers of shaytan. May Allah increase our patience as sayidna Ayoub (pbuh), our beauty as sayidna Yusif (pbuh), and our wisdom as sayidna Muhammed (pbuh). May we speak only the word of Allah and begin with His name. Muhammed is the most common name in this world and may every Muhammed live up to his name! May we have the ability to forgive and forget. May we praise, glorify and praise Allah for everything he has created and distroyed. May we all meet in jannatul firdous!! May we provide unity amongst ourselves more than we boast about the madhab/sect we follow. Ameen.

Somethings been running too often through my mind lately..I blame our imam lol (May allah bless him ameen), he said something like, "When you look at old people most of them are religous, but when you see young people, they put off their iman for later. When you are young, you have your beauty, social status, school-work, a job, growing up, living your dreams, and many other things going on in your mind, that often you forget about Allah and death; yet when you are old, you have more time on your hands and you lose your beauty, social status, school, etc..and death is always upon your mind so you're constantly in dhikr with Allah because you know your day will be up soon..." Subhanallah, how true is that! So don't be a slave for your desires, or you'll end up being the slave that feeds The Fire!!

fi aman Allah
Walaikum Assalam Wa rahmatallah wa Barakatu


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach